Whānau Wellbeing | The Salvation Army

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Whānau Wellbeing

The Bridge services work within a whānau ora framework recognising & encouraging the involvement and support of family/whānau in all aspects of the tāngata whaiora journey. 

Whānau Wellbeing

We recognise that family/whānau can be a source of strength, identity, and support. The holistic health and well-being of the entire whānau are important to support the health and well-being outcomes for kaupapa whānau. To support this process, we provide suggestions and strategies on how family whānau members can look after themselves whilst dealing with the impact of a family/whānau member or friend's substance use.

What Support We Offer

  • Family/whānau information about the services we provide
  • Open and accessible opportunities to visit
  • Answer questions and concerns regarding the impact of substance use
  • The opportunity to have a family/whānau counselling session
  • The opportunity to attend the transition upon completion of the programme
  • A real-time survey that gives you the opportunity to share your feedback and suggestions on our services and supports
  • Referral to groups that support families 
  • Referral to other Salvation Army support services

Kina Trust: Living Well: Life strategies for family, whānau, and friends of people using alcohol and other drugs

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Date: 29 Aug 2022